affordable scaffolding alarm hire

Call us now to gain peace of mind: 0207 112 4997 - or email us info@scaffoldingalarms.uk
Scaffolding Alarm Hire
Affordable Scaffolding Alarm Security Camera, CCTV Hire and Construction Site Security Services
Call us now: 0207 112 4997
E: info@scaffoldingalarms.uk
Security Services for the Construction Industry

Scaffolding Alarm Hire
Battery and solar powered 4G wireless scaffolding alarm systems includes visual verification cameras to identify actual threats and reduce false alarms.
24hr monitoring is included in the weekly rental. No minimum hire period.
Systems come complete with a 110db siren and strobe to deter the vast majority of intruders and trespassers - especially children. But we only activate it in short bursts so as to not annoy the neighbours!

Construction Site Security
The 4G wireless, solar and battery powered, standalone security camera systems for construction sites and vacant properties has 24hr remote monitoring to enable prompt Security Key Holder and Police response to threats.
No telephone, electricity, wi fi or broadband connection is required.
​Systems come complete with a 110db siren and strobe to deter the vast majority of intruders and trespassers!

Construction Site Security Guards and Dog Handlers
The presence of a security guard on site, outside of working hours, will make a significant and positive difference to your security.
It is not just the deterrent effect but the ability to maintain records, such as vehicle or visitor logs, or to keep an eye on the health and safety.
When combined with our security cameras on larger sites, the immediate response to intruders or trespassers reduces the risk of losses, arson attack or vandalism.

Scaffolding Alarms UK, a division of Property Security Group Limited, a family-owned and run business proud of offering a personal service, provides affordable scaffold alarms and temporary construction site security camera systems for hire across London.
Our 24-hour monitoring service is included at an affordable price of just £260 plus £99 per week +VAT.
Our building site scaffold alarms are designed to deter and detect unauthorised access, theft, vandalism, and other security threats.
Our 4G wireless, solar and battery-powered security camera systems can also protect your site compounds or adjoining construction sites.
If you do not have local keyholders, we can arrange a local security company to attend to deal with intruders on your behalf.


Scaffolding Alarm Hire projects include:
Roofing projects
High Net Worth Properties
Country Houses
Vacant Property Security
Construction Sites
Town Centre Redevelopment
Vacant Pubs and Hotels
Public Buildings
Demolition Site Security
Liquidation Protection
Church Roof Security

rougues' gallery
Early detection of criminals at the gates of a construction site enabled Police response to be on site within minutes - before any theft, vandalism or arson is caused
Immediate detection of an intruder by the 24hr remote monitoring Control Room allowed for rapid response by Police and security guards. Auto tracking follows a suspect person or vehicle to give Controllers up-to-the-minute location details.
Hidden security camera covering the fence of a vacant demolition site detected this intruder cutting a hole to allow a subsequent break-in. Police and Security were on site within four minutes! No break-in!
Youths on site were detected on scaffolding and chased off by the 110db siren - as much for their own safety as security
Churches are vulnerable, especially when scaffolding allows access to the roof